Mali: USA sents Al CIAda
In short: USA did sent haed-cutting Al CIAda to Mali, in order give France a reason to occupy "their URAN-fields" and let the Mali people accept the French instead of the Al CIAda killers.
Before: Weapons GAddafi did allocated to the Libyan people also finally found theor wy to Mali and brought them a new government - which however has not been accepted by USA and its NATO slaves. So USA did sent some Al CIAda troops to Mali in order to "let France save them" i.e. occupy Mali.
I must confess, that I did not find the time to provide sufficient research and analysis and I even may be wrong with my thesis. So I post here what I found and hope that anybody more informed can contribute to this news sources and partly analisis within it:
Der Fall Mali:
Wie 30 Jahre Neoliberalismus den Boden für den Krieg bereiteten / USA treiben Militarisierung Afrikas voran:
Der geopolitische Rückbau Afrikas:
Verdeckte US-Unterstützung für Al-Qaida im Norden Malis, und Frankreich kommt als "Retter"
Börsenfeuer über Mali
Frankreich: Krieg um Afrikas Rohstoffe - RT 26.1.13
!! Mali: Mit dem Sturz Gaddafis, ist Afrika destabilisiert worden
In German:
DORT: Dass die Lehren über den islamischen Dschihad in den USA entwickelt und über ein von der University of Nebraska erstelltes Anleitungsbuch verbreitet wurden, darüber kann man heute etwas bei Prof Michel Chossudovsky erfahren.
'US, France after Mali mineral wealth':
War in Mali a stage play for colonialism'
Malikonflikt - Linker Bundestagsabgeordneter über die wahren Hintergründe:
This is How France maintains 14 African countries Under slavery (with english subtitles):
Same in German - Das Gleiche in Deutsch:
Dies ist, wie Frankreich 14 afrikanische Länder unter der Sklaverei hält (ital.m.D UT):
Al-Qaeda's New Homeland - Mali
table of contents:
7:27 Northern Government can not protetc us
7:45 afraid to be bombed from the air (French bombers)
7:53 a few month back the Tuarges were celebrating, they seized weapons form the Malian Army to add to those that have been given them by Colonel Gaddafi of Libya, and claimed Northern Mali an independend Tuareg state with their own Flag +
13:00 "these foreigners (AlQaeda who came to crash down Northern Mali TUAREG state) are showing a kind of Islam that has never been Mohammends message, by taking knifes and killing others.