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In Syrien gibt es einen Aufstand der Bevölkerung gegen einen Diktator ?



Da gibt es auch - normalerweise nie gehörte - andere Stimmen:


Roland Dumas früherer französ. Außenminister: England plante 2 Jahre vor dem Syrienkrieg eine Invasion von Terroristen nach Syrien und fragte uns, ob wir mitmachen.


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This site is not financed by Corporations, NGOs, Governments or anyone else than me. It required til now more time than I can spent as individual. If you want to support really independend information consider making a donation to make this site better and keep it running. What you see here is by far not everything, that you should know. I also see, the more I invest  into research, the more I find. The potential is still untapped,  but I must soon stop researching and publishing, because I need money to pay my bills for living. So please consider to

I'm a just a person who slowly discovered that media is full of lies, self-planned and provided massacres in order to create hate against the victims of NATO wars.

Anything we did know -

- any single news item or subsumed  certain basics of our society -

It was wrong !

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